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Ocean Ports & Carriers
How Data is Impacting the Maritime Supply Chain
Shipping’s decision makers are increasingly waking up to the benefits that technology can unlock within their operations.
Software Solutions
A Smart Supply Chain Is an Efficient One
Using Assessment Centers to Pull Out Necessary Leadership Skills
Software Solutions
Is FinTech the Future of Supply Chain?
How AGVs Fill Gaps in the Supply Chain
What’s Ahead for Last-Mile Delivery in 2020
Industry 4.0 Transforms Industrial DataOps: Alexis Asks
Industry 4.0 and other digital advancements have tackled the manufacturing sector and continue to do so. This year, these technologies are on the trajectory to further advancements and widespread adoption.
Backstage Pass to Manifest Vegas 2025 Expo Hall
Editor-in-chief Marina Mayer sat down with the Manifest team to get a Backstage Pass to the Manifest Expo Hall. Let's find out what to expect at this year's show!
Premium Content
The Global Enabled: 2025 Supply Chain Map
Check out the updated Supply Chain Map, which serves as a guide to supply chain professionals, as they make business decisions that enhance, improve efficiency and increase ROI.
Creating “The Amazon Experience”—Last-Mile Delivery for E-Commerce
Discover how last-mile delivery is an essential offering that can make or break the customer experience.
Sourcing & Procurement
Additive Manufacturing Will Change Procurement as You Know It
Additive manufacturing is turning current manufacturing processes upside down.
The State of Logistics in 2020
The logistics industry is traveling through rough terrain throughout 2020.
Emerging Technologies
The Technological Future of Supply Industry
From enhancing connectivity between businesses to availing information fast to streamlining of storage of files, the supply chain industry has seen huge development over the years- and the trend doesn’t seem to stop any time soon.
What is the Average Salary of a Warehouse Manager?
Warehouses are an essential link the supply chain as it connects the consumers to their products, but how much should their managers make?
Experienced B2B Editor Joins Supply & Demand Chain Executive
Marina Mayer joins SDCE as its new Editor-in-Chief.
Sourcing & Procurement
Metric of the Month: Trends in Structuring Supply Chain Analytics
Faced with vast and ever-growing amounts of data, the number of supply chain leaders that actively turn to analytics for decision making support is growing.
Sourcing & Procurement
Breaking the Glass Ceiling in Procurement
Breaking the glass ceiling in procurement is not just about gender diversity, it will also improve your returns
Product Launch Mistakes that Wreck Your Bottom Line
Before you rush headlong into launch, you should cross your i's and dot your t’s by making sure you aren’t accidentally committing one of the following disastrous product launch mistakes.
The Top 10 Most Read Supply & Demand Chain Executive Articles in 2019
Supply & Demand Chain Executive has been covering each aspect of the supply chain this year, allowing readers to have a range of topics to dive into.
3PLs Make the Supply Chain Go Round
Here are a few areas where 3PLs can really drive value as a core business partner and help you build a smarter supply chain.
How to Use Agile Thinking to Help Build Joint Collaborative Relationships
10 steps to building collaborative relationships within the supply chain.
Warehouse Automation: A New Age of Workplace Safety and Efficiency
Automation can have quite the opposite effect on industries experiencing major labor shortages.
Supply Chains and AI: Reduce Value-Eroding Behaviors Without Stifling Relationships
Let’s take a moment and recognize that deceptive practices aren’t necessarily intended to be malicious or purposeful.
Look at Risk Prevention for the New Decade
Supply & Demand Chain Executive sat down with Danny Thompson, SVP of market and product strategy at APEX Analytix to discuss how companies can protect themselves from risks as we enter a new decade.
The Power of Storytelling Begins With Your Internal Customers
It's easy to see that manufacturers need to evolve their marketing approach and deliver a customer experience that stands out.
Sourcing & Procurement
10 Important Skills for Future-Ready Procurement Professionals
While no one can know what the future will bring, individuals who actively invest in building their skills in these key areas will be well-prepared come what may.
Inventory Management Best Practices
Gain visibility of your entire warehouse operation to uncover inefficiencies and select the ideal tools for inventory optimization.
Warehouse Management Systems: What 2019 Tells Us About 2020
With continued growth in the WMS market, it’s critical to know how the technology interfaces with new automation.
The Next Wave of Warehouse Automation
E-commerce is changing the game again for companies investing in automated warehouses and order fulfillment.
CSCMP Edge: In Review
Over 3,000 supply chain professionals attended the annual premier CSCMP Edge event in Anaheim.
Signode's Joe Albert Stuns on the Guitar
It’s never too late to pick up an instrument and find a creative outlet, especially when it translates to other areas of your life.
Keeping Time with Vortic Watch Co.
Vortic Watch Co. brings back a classic look with refurbished wristwatches.
Keep Your Holidays Merry and Bright with these 5 Cross-Border Tips
The holidays are almost upon us, which means shippers on both sides of the border are bracing for a huge increase in moving freight in the next few months.
Sourcing & Procurement
Data Points for Making Your Supply Chain More Resilient
The important thing is confirming that your gut has you on the right track by using data to drive your decisions.
Sourcing & Procurement
Metric of the Month: 5 Essential Design Principles for Building Strategic Supplier Relationships
The business battles of this century will be won by harnessing the power of suppliers.
Slavery in Supply Chains is an Increasing Concern for Businesses
An estimated 40.3 million people are trapped in modern slavery globally, emphasizing the need for large organizations to focus on this potential risk in supply chains.
Software Solutions
Harnessing Retail Data to Deliver a Profitable Seasonal Range
Traditional sourcing methods are no longer sufficient, and retailers have to adopt new methods to stay ahead or stay relevant.
Your Brand is Only as Good as Your Weakest Supplier
Recalls can be detrimental for brands – both financially and for their reputation
E-Commerce and Heavy Equipment: 3 Must-Knows for OEMs
Here are three key things heavy equipment OEMs should keep top of mind as e-commerce players potentially venture into aftermarket parts