Independent telephone directory producer overhauls business processes with E-Business Suite
Redwood Shores, CA — August 14, 2006 — Oracle today announced that PDC (Phone Directories Co.), one of the largest independent producers and distributors of telephone directories for the United States, has implemented Oracle E-Business Suite to help improve interaction with clients, streamline production processes and increase revenue management capabilities.
"We're transforming our IT infrastructure to support our growth and improve our services to clients," said PDC's Chief Financial Officer Michael Bingham. "Our market is incredibly competitive and we need to gain the greatest efficiencies across our own operations and when interacting with clients. Oracle allows us to do that in a reliable, secure environment that will scale with our growth."
PDC Answers with Automation
Founded in Price, Utah, in 1971 and still operated by the original founder, PDC provides communities with a competitive directory based on consumer buying patterns, rather than around utility districts. PDC serves more than 168,000 clients and 120 directories across 16 states with sales increasing more than 44 percent between 2004 and 2005. PDC has surpassed competitors by providing a quality product with tailored features for community sections, dining and wedding guides, along with technology such as an audio information system for users and a call tracking system for advertisers.
PDC selected Oracle E-Business Suite for its ability to enable greater insight into company-wide performance and to help automate business processes. Prior to the implementation of Oracle E-Business Suite, PDC was running an internal home-grown system that no longer supported the business volume or the company's need for revenue management capabilities to maintain rising profit margins. Phone Directories also wanted to create a more collaborative work environment with clients.
Using Oracle E-Business Suite, PDC said it has improved revenue management. The company has automated end-of-month closing and enhanced the reporting system for managers, allowing them to make fact-based decisions. PDC is also improving its accounts receivables process by automating client billing.
Additionally, PDC has created a collaborative work environment for its clients. Using Oracle Collaboration Suite, the company has streamlined the directory production process with future goals of customer support on line, billing and bill pay online as well as proofing online. Furthermore, the company has bolstered its customer service by adding customer support online.