Mintec transformed into Expana, unifying into a singular market intelligence powerhouse.
This shift consolidates a diverse portfolio of products and brands under one dynamic identity. The launch of Expana reflects its mission to provide an integrated solution that brings together diverse capabilities under one brand.
"Our journey to Expana embodies a commitment to innovation, and unparalleled market intelligence," says Spencer Wicks, CEO of Expana. "This rebranding reflects the transformation we have made in the business. Expana is now a common banner for an unrivalled group of food industry experts. That expertise will soon be available in a groundbreaking common platform to seamlessly integrate the strengths of our diverse legacy products. This solution for our customers, whether they are buyers, sellers or investors, will meet all their data and forecast requirements for managing and negotiating their commodity and finished goods contracts.”
Key takeaways:
- Expana offers depth and breadth across all food commodities with an expansive and comprehensive solution that boasts a global database of pricing information, going back decades with proprietary prices that underpin many of the food industry’s contracts. In addition, Expana provides advanced and reliable price forecasts, in-depth analysis, market insights, weather analytics and proprietary crop fundamentals. It also delivers a diverse portfolio of industrial pricing information, packaging, energy, and transport data.
- The essence of Expana’s transformation is reflected in its new visual identity, inspired by the product’s unique ability to connect data, insights, and expertise, with its design elements reflecting sophistication, confidence, and growth.
"Our new brand is not only a culmination of our heritage but a testament to our unwavering dedication to our clients' success," says Spencer. "Through Expana, we are empowering businesses to make informed decisions that drive growth and resilience in an ever-evolving environment. We are your market intelligence partner, guiding the decisions that feed our world.”