The newly named GCCA Brazil forms through a merger from the International Association of Refrigerated Warehouses (IARW) and Associação Brasileira da Indústria de Armazenagem Frigorificada (ABIAF) after joint-venture between the two of them for the last few years. The merger was approved on Dec. 17, 2020 after a vote from both associations.
Per Global Cold Chain Alliance:
- The objective of GCCA Brazil is to deliver services, resources, and programs that will add value to all Brazilian cold chain businesses and to build upon the legacy that ABIAF has created over the years.
- Members in Brazil and the ABIAF Board of Directors were key to the successful merger. Director of Friozem Logistica and Past Chairman of the Word Food Logistics Organization (WFLO), Fabio Fonseca, and CEO of SuperFrio and IARW Board Member (and previous Chairman of ABIAF), Francisco Moura, have been integral to the establishment of GCCA Brazil through their leadership and strategic advice.
“The incorporation of ABIAF by GCCA represents a great achievement for the Brazilian cold chain," says Francisco Moura. "Despite the great job ABIAF’s founders and directors made over time, now Brazilian cold storage companies will be totally inserted in the global environment, with resources and tools to grow even more our industry.”