The roundtable is part of a broader information technology (IT) procurement study launched by Public Spend Forum and sponsored by Censeo Consulting Group. Congressman Mike Honda (CA-Silicon Valley) will be providing keynote remarks at the roundtable, followed by a panel that includes Raj Sharma, CEO of Censeo Consulting Group and co-founder of Public Spend Forum, Anthony Robbins, vice president of Federal for Brocade, Marc Touitou, chief information officer of the City and County of San Francisco, Greg Tennyson, VSP Global and former chief procurement officer of Oracle and Salesforce, and Mike McNerney, senior consultant of Delta Risk. The panel will debate issues related to IT procurement in federal markets, and how best practices in the private sector can be applied to improve access to innovators in the marketplace and drive results.
Public Sector IT Procurement Reform: Private Sector Best Practices for Better Outcomes
February 21, 2014
February 21, 2014
San Jose, CA
United States