Leading maker of candles and fragrances chooses ODIN for RFID expertise
Des Plaines, IL — June 29, 2006 — Blyth Homescents International (BHI) this week announced that it will use ODIN technologies for its Wal-Mart radio frequency identification (RFID) compliance initiatives. Blyth leads the industry with candles and fragrances for consumer use. BHI was part of third wave of Wal-Mart's RFID supplier program.
BHI Vice President of Information Systems, Oleg Troyansky, commented, "Blyth Homescents International has a large variety of case sizes and products. We could not rely on simply guessing which tag to use in our operations. In order to achieve the read rates that are viable for Wal-Mart and viable for visibility within Blyth, the physics of RFID had to be considered and the proper tagging strategy had to be created."
Troyansky added, "ODIN technologies has tested more SKUs than any other firm in the industry, we felt confident that ODIN could deliver a sound recommendation for tag use. In addition, ODIN's objective approach allows us to fit RFID cleanly into our processes rather than being forced to use a particular hardware or software vendor's specific approach. By incorporating physics, process and systems knowledge into the design, the proper solution can be created."
Patrick J. Sweeney II, ODIN technologies CEO added, Blyth Homescents' leading position in the fragrance and candle space, as well as with its Sterno brand chafing fuel and utility products, is due to an extremely varied product line with high volumes, which presents unique challenges from an RFID perspective. By leveraging RFID in a way that works with their products and processes, Blyth will be able to leverage highly accurate RFID data and gain visibility that is necessary for successful Wal-Mart compliance through ODIN's EasyReader Deployment and analysis tools."