Two Technologies Achieves RoHS Compliance

Producer of handheld computers and terminals meets European Union environmental requirements

Producer of handheld computers and terminals meets European Union environmental requirements

Horsham, PA — July 10, 2006 — Two Technologies, a manufacturer of rugged, customizable handheld computers and terminals, has announced that handheld computers and terminals are now compliant with the European Union's Reduction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) regulations in their standard configurations.

In addition, the cables and accessories that accompany the PSMT, PDS and Jett family of handheld computers and the ProMotion, ProTerm, SMT, TechTerm, HV Series and 80 Series terminals have been converted to meet this directive, Two Technologies said.

Under the RoHS directive, European Union member states were to ensure that by July 1 all new commercial, electrical and electronic equipment is manufactured without hazardous materials such as lead, mercury, cadmium, hexavalent chromium, polybrominated biphenyls and polybrominated diphenyl ethers.

In May 2005 Two Technologies dedicated a cross-functional team to achieve RoHS compliance by working with external suppliers and internal personnel to implement, control, document and ensure conformance to this environmental standard.

Over the past year, this program progressed to the point where all RoHS substances have been virtually eliminated (to levels below legal limits) for all Two Technologies electronic products subject to the RoHS Directive, except where it is widely recognized that there is no technically feasible alternative (as indicated by an exemption under the RoHS Directive), the manufacturer said. This compliance will extend to all new product introductions moving forward.

Headquartered in Horsham, Pa., Two Technologies has over 4,000 customers and 1 million products in the field.

Additional Articles of Interest

— For more information on the supply chain impact of the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) and Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) regulations, see these articles.

— RFID technology has the potential to change the way supply chains are managed, but in order to be effective businesses need to take a holistic look at the deployment. Read more in the article "Time for RFID: Applying RFID in the Supply Chain."

— For a contrary view of the future of the RFID market, see the article "The O'RFID Factor: A 'No Spin' Look at Where Radio Frequency Identification Is Headed," in the October/November 2004 issue of Supply & Demand Chain Executive.