When I started out in the supply chain space close to nine years ago, I vividly remember my first industry conference. I was fresh off of maternity leave with my first child. I was exhausted. I was mentally drained from becoming a new mom while starting a new job running a magazine in an industry where, let’s be honest, didn’t provide a lot of female counterparts for me to connect with.
I remember looking around the room at this industry conference, wondering if I was even at the right conference.
That’s because I was the only female in the room.
I knew something had to change, but I didn’t know how to make that change happen. I only report the news; I don’t make the news happen.
Thankfully though, I represent an industry that is filled with game-changers who make change happen. And, many of those game-changers are females!
As we look ahead to International Women’s Day (March 8), I want to take this time to commend, honor and acknowledge all of the women in the supply chain and logistics industry.
Today, I am not the only female in the room—because of you.
Today, I’m one of several women, all who bring innovation, grace, tenacity and experience to the table. These female supply chain leaders are loyal, hard-working and aren’t afraid to speak up to make the world a better place.
That’s why last year, we introduced the new Women in Supply Chain award for Supply & Demand Chain Executive. (Nominations open May 17 for this year's award).
That's why we continue to address diversity and inclusion in the workplace.
That's why we help promote women's roles in transportation.
And, we will continue to celebrate women's roles and leadership in the supply chain and logistics industry.
For example, APQC's Marisa Brown pens our monthly Metric of the Month procurement column. (Brown has also served as an SCN Summit speaker and is a recipient of several SDCE awards).
And, Karen Smith from Kontoor Brands talks about shattering ceilings in the supply chain industry.
Whether it's through our L.I.N.K. Live shows, our awards (be sure to check out Food Logistics' March 2021 print issue, to see who was named our 2021 Rock Star of the Supply Chain), our expert columnists or more, Happy International Women's Day.
Thank you for joining me in that room, a room that's now filled with men and women alike all devoted to making the world's supply chains a better place.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/marinamayer/
Twitter: @MarinaMayer