SANTA CLARA, Calif. January 22, 2001 B2B process collaboration company Netfish Technologies today announced that it has entered into a relationship with Entrust Technologies, which secures and manages the transactions that constitute e-business. Netfish has become a member of the Entrust Alliance Developer Program. As a member, Netfish will enable its XDI System to work with the Entrust/PKI solution to give Netfish customers additional options for securing B2B messages and transactions over the Internet. This collaborative effort will also enable Entrust customers to leverage their current investment by extending their Entrust infrastructure to protect external business relationships using Netfish's XML-based process integration solution.
This alliance is a major advancement for connected businesses, said Jim Dills, vice president of business development at Netfish. Companies must do business over the Internet to survive in today's marketplace but, until now, most have been concerned with security issues.
Netfish expects to achieve Entrust-Ready status for the Netfish XDI System by the first quarter of 2001. The Netfish XDI System will work with Entrust's public-key infrastructure (PKI) solution to provide additional options to Netfish customers in creating a secure business environment for partner, supplier and customer interactions.
We are excited about the opportunity to work with Netfish and pleased that the company is working towards Entrust-Ready status for its competitive B2B e-commerce system, said Paul Doscher, executive vice president of marketing and business development at Entrust Technologies. We believe this agreement exemplifies our commitment to providing superior security to enterprises and trading partners over the Internet.
The Netfish XDI System enables diverse trading partners to potentially save millions of dollars annually and gain a competitive advantage by operating with the cost-effectiveness of a single virtual enterprise. As a complete B2B e-commerce system, the Netfish XDI System shortens cycle times and improves the efficiency of connected businesses by integrating processes both inside the enterprise and across the supply chain.