Santa Ana, CA September 18, 2001 e-Business standards consortium RosettaNet has launched a new program designed to accelerate implementation of its standards.
Via the RosettaNet Ready Program, companies can now purchase software products that provide a common benchmark platform to measure adherence to the RosettaNet Implementation Framework (RNIF) and Partner Interface Processes (PIPs). The program is structured with low-entry costs to encourage greater adoption, experimentation and development of products and services for RosettaNet.
It is anticipated that interoperability across the trading network will be greatly enhanced by the RosettaNet Ready Program. Systems integrators, trading partner exchanges, and solution providers that offer interoperability test information for specific solutions running production data between supply chain partners will now have the ability to support critical testing services and validations outside of the compliance benchmark. As an added benefit, the Software Compliance Badge portion of the program denotes compliance with RosettaNet specifications and provides instant recognition in the marketplace for new and revisioned software solutions offered by RosettaNet Partner companies.
Several companies have already committed to the purchase of subscriptions to the RosettaNet Ready Program, underscoring the critical need that this program addresses for B2B in the high-technology industry. RosettaNet Partner companies that have committed to program subscriptions to date include Certivo, ChipData, E2open, Fujitsu, Hitachi, Ltd., IONA, Infoteria Corp., NEC, Peregrine Systems, SAP, SeeBeyond, TIBCO Software, Vitria and webMethods.
"The RosettaNet Ready Program speeds development and adoption of RosettaNet-enabled products by delivering readiness and development tools, compliance testing and product benchmarking driving implementation costs down and adoption rates up," said Jennifer Hamilton, CEO of RosettaNet. "This exciting new program fuels the continued growth of an immense RosettaNet trading partner network, encompassing large and small enterprises alike."
Specifically, the RosettaNet Ready Program includes a Developer Tools Library and Software Compliance Badge Service. The Developer Tools are now available via subscription, while the badge service will be offered in Q4.
The RosettaNet Ready Developer Tools Library serves as a foundation for custom integration and development accelerating trading partner network deployment and enabling interoperability services. By purchasing the Developer Tools, subscribers gain complete access to the Self-Test Kit Application and its Source Code, PIP Test Scripts, Test Script Generator and comprehensive documentation and technical support. In addition, companies will have access to various community-developed content. The source code and tools are designed to assist in the future development of RNIF 2.0-compliant software products, trading partner readiness testing and interoperability services.