KearneyCompany DetailsContact & News3PL/4PLLogisticians Adapting to Permanent Volatility in Their Supply ChainsThe report found that uncertainty is now a near constant in the global economy, and that the smartest way to respond to steady times is to rekindle strategic projects and gather resources to improve resilience.3PL/4PLAmerican Imports of Mexico-Manufactured Goods on the Rise: StudyU.S. supply chains responded to the global volatility from the past two years by transforming supply chain networks to improve resilience against future disruption, according to the report.HomeConsumers Show Increased Consideration of Environmental Impact When Making Food Choices42% of consumers believe producers are most responsible for driving faster adoption of environmentally friendly changes.Sourcing & ProcurementHow Procurement Drives Strategic AgendasNearly 60-70% of procurement teams’ focus is now on strategic pursuits such as strategic sourcing, demand management, value engineering, supplier segmentation, stakeholder management and supply risk management, according to a Kearney report.HomeFrom Bad to Worse to Better: New Year Will See Emphasis on SoftwareMichael Zimmerman, partner, Kearney, details why an emphasis on software in the New Year will help companies face adversity and stay ahead of supply chain disruptions.Sourcing & ProcurementStudy: Investors Anticipate Slow Recovery for Investment FlowsThis year’s rankings point to continued apprehension and uncertainty about how quickly the global economy will recover post-COVID-19.Products & Press ReleasesHomeKearney Study Details New Global TrendsFood insecurity will proliferate as the virus disrupts food supply chains.Software & TechnologyKearney and Interos Launch INSITE, the First End-to-End Supply Chain Risk Management Solution for Enterprise ResilienceThe solution is the first end-to-end offering for early detection of distressed suppliers throughout multi-tier supply chains.Risk/ComplianceState of the Supply Chain Industry Top of Mind in in Upcoming SCN SummitLearn more about the state of the supply chain industry--today and in the future--and how this pandemic has re-shaped the future of supply chains in the upcoming SCN Summit session, scheduled for Aug. 25.WarehousingCSCMP’s 2020 State of Logistics Report: Supply Chains are Battered, Not BrokenThe report notes that the logistics field will need to construct entirely new levels of supply chain resilience.SustainabilityResearch Indicates COVID-19 Has Not Reduced Consumers’ Demands for Sustainable SolutionsThe study revealed that consumers hold retailers and consumer goods manufacturers accountable for taking strong pro-environmental positions and bringing sustainable goods to market.Sourcing & ProcurementCFOs Are Overlooking the Transformative Power of ProcurementExternal procurement spending is the single largest cost element for most companies and a crucial component of their value chains, but many companies are failing to realize the powerful benefits that procurement can bring.Request More InformationFill out the form below to request more information about Kearney