Version 7.0 aims to help small and midsize suppliers trade with retailers more quickly and accurately
Richmond, CA — October 29, 2003 — Solution provider QRS this week released the latest version of its Web forms solution, which includes new features intended to help retailers and suppliers more efficiently manage retail trading partnerships.
QRS Web Forms 7.0 is an Internet-based application designed to streamline the order-to-fulfillment process in order to facilitate the timely and accurate delivery of orders, shipments and invoices without the need for additional hardware, staff or training.
The provider said that the solution can enable small and midsize vendors to transact electronically with retailers and to achieve 100 percent compliance with retailer requirements with minimal up-front investment. Web Forms currently is in use at more than 1,500 small to midsize vendors in the retail trading community, according to QRS.
This latest version adds e-mail notification service and advanced support for organizational hierarchy, as well as back-end enhancements to improve operational efficiencies, ease of use and workflow response times across the retail supply chain.
With the new e-mail notification features, Web Forms can now notify suppliers via e-mail whenever new inbound documents arrive, such as purchase orders (POs) and PO changes. This feature is intended to help a supplier to respond immediately to purchase orders.
In addition, to help trading partners comply with retail standards body UCC's latest retail requirements, the Web Forms manufacturer ID field can now hold up to 10 digits. The manufacturer ID (also called UCC Block ID) and Sequence Number are components used to identify the UCC-128 carton for the shipping labels and on the advanced ship notice (ASN). This helps ensure accuracy of the information sent from a suppliers' Web Forms system, according to QRS.
"Vendors and suppliers are under increasing pressure to reach compliance with retail industry requirements, and do to so, they need a way to be able to communicate and transact efficiently," said QRS Vice President of Product Strategy Renee d'Ouville. "With this release, we've drawn from customer feedback to improve QRS Web Forms functionality and facilitate an even more fluid transaction process for the global retail community."