9 Facts You Didn’t Know About the Internet of Things

The Motley Fool
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The Internet of Things is officially a Big Deal. You know the story: Machine-to-machine networking is poised to unlock $19 trillion of economic opportunity over the next decade, and companies are lining up to claim a sliced of that enormous pie.

But you don't know the whole story. I mean, nobody does. Here are few things the Internet of Things is doing today:

  1. A sophisticated system of data management software and RFID tags has been tracking railcars and their contents for more than a decade.
  2. Any mid-range or luxury cars bought in the last 5 years or so probably came with a remote connection system.
  3. General Electric has been using IoT concepts for years to track the performance of its jet engines.
  4. Many medications require their users to stick strictly to the correct dosage schedule. When missing a dose isn't an option, the Internet of Things can help you remember.

To read the full list of facts, please click here.
