Serve Unveils Patended Mobile Warehousing Technology

With this addition to its blockchain-based platform, the feature creates a new paradigm in smart logistics and helps complete customer satisfaction.

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Serve is transforming last-mile initiatives by introducing its patented mobile warehousing technology. With this addition to its blockchain-based platform, the feature creates a new paradigm in smart logistics and helps complete customer satisfaction. 

“Our mobile warehousing system distinguishes Serve in the modern, on-demand delivery and logistics industries,” says Serve’s CEO Shahan Ohanessian. “With the increased efficiency and optimization this brings to our delivery processes, businesses will be able to provide big-box capabilities and order fulfillment services to customers everywhere.”

The feature reduces the distance between warehouse and end-user in order to improve order fulfillment experience for all participants by shortening delivery times and reducing costs. Businesses can expand their footprint without the need to add infrastructure.

The Serve Platform provides access to new markets, goods, and services. With its unique solution, Serve is able to establish accountability, increase efficiency, and reduce costs at every stage of a transaction without sacrificing customer experience.
