Web-Based Mattress Store to Open 200 Physical Locations

Casper is tackling the physical retail sector with 200 new stores.

Casper Mattress

E-commerce operations have recognized the benefits of traditional retail stores, and many are making plans for physical locations. Casper, a web-based mattress store, is no different.

While online retailers like Adore Me and Everlane are planning on opening a handful of stores in select locations, Casper is the most ambitious. The company plans on opening up 200 stores and converting 18 existing pop-ups to permanent stores, the Wall Street Journal reports.

While Casper sells its products in stores like Target and Nordstrom, it doesn't have a storefront of its own. Fast Company reports that the company has $239.7 million in funding, and helped normalize the idea of buying a mattress online. The company has experimented with ways for consumers to still have a product experience, such as The Dreamery, where customers can pay $25 to have a 45-minute nap in a Casper bed. 

By moving into physical retail, the brand claims that it will help it stand out from other mattress companies that are now online. 
