Essential Product Industries Drive Job Announcements to Record High

The year-over-year increase is due almost exclusively to companies filling supplying chain gaps of essential products such as electric batteries, semiconductors, PPE, pharmaceuticals, rare earths and renewable energy.

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In 2021, the private and federal push for domestic supply of essential goods propelled reshoring and foreign direct investment (FDI) job announcements to a record 261,000, bringing the total jobs announced since 2010 to over 1.3 million, according to The Reshoring Initiative.

For the second year in a row, reshoring exceeded FDI by 100%, in contrast to 2014 through 2019 when FDI exceeded reshoring. What’s more is, the number of companies reporting reshoring and FDI set a new record of over 1,800 companies, which is key to U.S. manufacturing and economic recovery.


From The Reshoring Initiative:


  • The year-over-year increase is due almost exclusively to companies filling supplying chain gaps of essential products such as electric batteries, semiconductors, PPE, pharmaceuticals, rare earths and renewable energy.
  • The computer and electronics industry has seen the largest jump in percentage of jobs due to semiconductor/chip investment. 
  • Reshoring from Asia is about 10 times that from Western Europe.
  • Texas led the other states in jobs announced, followed by Tennessee.
  • Preliminary data indicates a continuing surge of reshoring and FDI in 2022. 


