Software-as-a-service platform links RFID, EDI and data synchronization for order management and logistics
Westborough, MA — February 6, 2006 — RedTail Solutions today announced that is has signed a partnership agreement with Franwell Inc. to jointly market and sell combined trading solutions for radio frequency identification (RFID), electronic data interchange (EDI) and global data synchronization (GDS).
Under the agreement, Franwell's rfid> Genesis solution for internal RFID integration will be bundled with RedTail Transaction Manager (RTTM) for EDI order management and data synchronization. The providers said the combined solution is designed to allow suppliers to satisfy several retailer trading requirements while gaining better control and visibility over their inventory and electronic transactions.
"The combined solution leverages global standards for electronic trading and supply chain management," said Patricia Meisner of RedTail Solutions. "By combining Franwell's rfid> Genesis solution with our RTTM platform, RedTail Solutions is able to offer supply chain visibility in a complete package to its customers."
Both companies will also be working together on several joint development projects that will couple their products to create one business process leveraging EDI, RFID and GDS. The solution will link electronic purchase orders and advance ship notices to shipments that will be tagged and tracked with RFID tags. Reporting and analysis tools will also be developed to provide a dashboard view of all RFID, GDS and EDI activities.
"GDS and RFID are critical components of an EDI-enabled business process. By using RedTail's Software as a Service platform for EDI with GDS, our rfid> Genesis solution can now integrate more fully with EDI transactions and can be based on synchronized data from the GDSN," explained Jeff Wells, CEO of Franwell.
Additional Articles of Interest
- — RFID technology has the potential to change the way supply chains are managed, but in order to be effective businesses need to take a holistic look at the deployment. Read more in the article "Time for RFID: Applying RFID in the Supply Chain."
— For a contrary view of the future of the RFID market, see the article "The O'RFID Factor: A 'No Spin' Look at Where Radio Frequency Identification Is Headed," in the October/November 2004 issue of Supply & Demand Chain Executive.
— For more information on trends relating to radio frequency identification (RFID), follow this link for an extensive listing of articles, featuring the latest research findings on the RFID, including adoption, return on investment and barriers to implementation.