Multi-channel retailer looks to centralize purchasing, tracking and inventory management
New York, NY October 5, 2005 — Apparel retailer J. Jill is set to use a solution from Jesta I.S. to have integrated centralized purchasing, tracking and inventory management, and to gain better visibility into its inventory in motion throughout the supply chain.
As a self-sourcing retailer, J. Jill has to follow complex processes, which include multiple procurement paths that have to be met in order to have the optimal product assortment in each store and channel.
"We are a true multi-channel retailer selling through our retail stores, catalogs and Web site," said Gordon R. Cooke, president and CEO of The J. Jill Group Inc. "With over 160 stores and complex import purchasing needs, we must have the ability to manage by exception. Jesta's Vision.FC tool will provide us with real-time insight into our supply chain."
Cooke said that part of his company's criteria in selecting Jesta I.S. was its ability to allocate and distribute based on a variety of pre-packs. Jesta said its Vision product suite is able to manage the vast number of SKUs required to offer a range of styles, sizes, colors and dimensions.
The enabler added that its Vision Merchandising solution will provide J. Jill with one real-time and accurate version of its inventory, be it in store, warehouse or in transit. Vision Merchandising also will automate many of J. Jill's operational processes, including purchase order transfers and markdowns. Furthermore, the application can replenish based on like styles and promo-pricing driven by planned liquidations, according to Jesta.
The integration of Vision Merchandising with Vision.FC will provide J. Jill with triggered alerts based on predetermined thresholds, allowing it to respond to potential bottlenecks early and meet anticipated demand, Jesta said.
"Vision.FC ... will enable J. Jill to increase its visibility and response time to market conditions," said Leslie Belcher, president of Jesta. "Vision Merchandising will be able to meet J. Jill's needs today and grow with it in the future. Most importantly, J. Jill will benefit from our industry expertise in soft goods on both the retail and sourcing side."
Additional Articles of Interest
— The focus in the retail sector has shifted from managing the movement of goods to managing information about goods. Read more in "Ramping Up the Retail Supply Chain," in the February/March 2005 issue of Supply & Demand Chain Executive.
— For seven tips to improve regulatory compliance, reduce operating expenses and streamline global supply chains, read the exclusive, "Cross-border Trade: Keeping on Top of Customs Regulations."
— To read about supply chain initiatives at Lucent Technologies around the "sell-source-ship" model, read the article "Leap of Faith," in the April 2001 issue of iSource Business (now Supply & Demand Chain Executive) magazine.
New York, NY October 5, 2005 — Apparel retailer J. Jill is set to use a solution from Jesta I.S. to have integrated centralized purchasing, tracking and inventory management, and to gain better visibility into its inventory in motion throughout the supply chain.
As a self-sourcing retailer, J. Jill has to follow complex processes, which include multiple procurement paths that have to be met in order to have the optimal product assortment in each store and channel.
"We are a true multi-channel retailer selling through our retail stores, catalogs and Web site," said Gordon R. Cooke, president and CEO of The J. Jill Group Inc. "With over 160 stores and complex import purchasing needs, we must have the ability to manage by exception. Jesta's Vision.FC tool will provide us with real-time insight into our supply chain."
Cooke said that part of his company's criteria in selecting Jesta I.S. was its ability to allocate and distribute based on a variety of pre-packs. Jesta said its Vision product suite is able to manage the vast number of SKUs required to offer a range of styles, sizes, colors and dimensions.
The enabler added that its Vision Merchandising solution will provide J. Jill with one real-time and accurate version of its inventory, be it in store, warehouse or in transit. Vision Merchandising also will automate many of J. Jill's operational processes, including purchase order transfers and markdowns. Furthermore, the application can replenish based on like styles and promo-pricing driven by planned liquidations, according to Jesta.
The integration of Vision Merchandising with Vision.FC will provide J. Jill with triggered alerts based on predetermined thresholds, allowing it to respond to potential bottlenecks early and meet anticipated demand, Jesta said.
"Vision.FC ... will enable J. Jill to increase its visibility and response time to market conditions," said Leslie Belcher, president of Jesta. "Vision Merchandising will be able to meet J. Jill's needs today and grow with it in the future. Most importantly, J. Jill will benefit from our industry expertise in soft goods on both the retail and sourcing side."
Additional Articles of Interest
— The focus in the retail sector has shifted from managing the movement of goods to managing information about goods. Read more in "Ramping Up the Retail Supply Chain," in the February/March 2005 issue of Supply & Demand Chain Executive.
— For seven tips to improve regulatory compliance, reduce operating expenses and streamline global supply chains, read the exclusive, "Cross-border Trade: Keeping on Top of Customs Regulations."
— To read about supply chain initiatives at Lucent Technologies around the "sell-source-ship" model, read the article "Leap of Faith," in the April 2001 issue of iSource Business (now Supply & Demand Chain Executive) magazine.
- More articles about Jesta.