Add-on to document management solution provides electronic filing, retrieval, printing and transmitting capabilities
Atlanta — November 20, 2003 — ACOM Solutions' iSeries (AS/400) Division has extended its electronic archiving solution to provide electronic filing, retrieval, printing and transmitting capabilities to users of the company's EZPayManager/400 payment optimization and management system.
Using the newly enhanced module, users can place checks and associated stub information in electronic files directly from a payment run and retrieve them later for viewing or for generation as printed, faxed or e-mail (PDF) duplicate copies, if needed.
The archive module is an add-on enhancement to both EZPayManager/400 and EZeDocs/400, ACOM's electronic document optimization and management solution. Base price is $4,450, with availability December 15.
ACOM said that EZPayManager/400 is host-resident on iSeries and AS/400 computers and provides users with the ability to create blended payment environments comprised of laser check printing and electronic payments through the banking industry's Automated Clearing House (ACH) network within the same payment run. Additionally, the payment run can incorporate remittance advice statements (AP) and advice of deposit slips (payroll) produced and delivered as printed copies, fax or e-mail, or by posting to a secure Web site.
"All that is necessary to use the archive module is to add an 'Archive' command to the electronic check form template," said James Scott, vice president and general manager at ACOM. "The ... archiving software conserves space by storing the data in PCL format on the Integrated File System or any network server. When retrieved, printed or transmitted, the information is displayed in PDF format."
The software features a search engine that allows users to find checks by searching on various fields, based on spool data such as check number, check date, customer number, recipient/payee name, amount and sequence number.
Among the additional key features that ACOM is highlight are an address book with individual contacts and distribution lists that are usable from the fax and e-mail options; multi-password security that limits access only to authorized persons; manual deletion and a purge function; confirmation screens for both fax and e-mail prior to sending; and multi-duplicate check transmittal.
"This is an immense convenience feature for disbursement people," Scott said. "Questions about payments are constant, and with the Archive module, the questions can be answered without ever going to a file cabinet for a hard copy. Duplicates can be sent right from the desktop with just a few keystrokes."
For more information, please visit http://www.acom.com/ap-automation.