The Fashion Transparency Index released a report stating that luxury fashion brands like Dior, Chanel and Dolce & Gabbana are releasing little to no information regarding their supply chains and employee treatment.
The Fashion Transparency Index looks into whether companies provide information on tracing where garments are made, how they deal with supplier issues and who is responsible for overseeing the supply chain.
Luxury fashion brands lag behind comparing brands and retailers when it comes to providing information on suppliers, according to Fashion Revolution. Hugo Boss, Gucci, Saint Laurent and Burberry all scored 31 to 40 percentage points, while Calvin Klein and Tommy Hilfger scored 37.8 percent and are the only luxury brands to disclose its tier one suppliers.
Chanel scored 3 percent, Dolce & Gabanna scored 1.2 percent and Dior didn't even score anything.
Fashion Revolution studied 150 brands that have a turnover of more than $500 million and are located in Europe, North and South America and Asia. The company rated brands based on policy and commitments, governance, traceability, reporting and social issues.
Adidas, Reebok and Puma topped the list with 56 percent or more, meaning it disclosed detailed supplier lists.
Fashion supply chains are among the least transparent chains in the industry. It is challenging for a consumer to know the details of how their clothes have been made.