University of Arkansas Will House the Supply Chain Hall of Fame

The university's Sam. M. Walton College of Business will host the Supply Chain Hall of Fame for an initial period of five years.

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The University of Arkansas will house the Supply Chain Hall of Fame after a vote from the board of directors of the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP). 

The Hall of Fame will feature space devoted to rotating exhibits about inductees and also will be used for lectures, roundtable meetings and functions for as many as 100 attendees. Construction of the Hall of Fame was announced at the CSCMP's Edge 2019 Annual Conference in September.

The university's Sam. M. Walton College of Business will host the Hall of Fame for an initial period of five years. 

"The Hall of Fame will highlight achievements and innovations in supply chain," says Matt Waller, Walton College dean and the Sam M. Walton Leadership Chair in Business. "Northwest Arkansas is the hub of supply chain innovation and research. We thank Remko for having the vision to get CSCMP to establish the Hall of Fame here."

Remko Van Hoek, a clinical professor in the Department of Supply Chain Management at the college will serve as the Hall's first executive director. 

"Through exhibits, education and events the Hall is also meant to educate and inspire future leaders in supply chain," Van Hoek says. "By engaging our students and entrepreneurial region, we can bridge the greatest of the past with the best of the future."

The Hall will be built as a multi-function exhibit and meeting space on top of the Northgate Building, which is currently under construction in Rogers and is expected to be completed by early 2020.

The Hall was made possible with the support of Johnelle Hunt, the co-founder of J.B. Hunt Transport Inc., with her husband J.B. Hunt. J.B. Hunt Transport is headquartered in nearby Lowell, Arkansas. Support for the Hall of Fame also came from Gus Blass III, general partner of Capital Properties LLC and a board member of 10 other companies, and Alex Blass, a partner in Sage Partners LLC. Both Gus Blass and Alex Blass are alumni of the Walton College.
