Westport, MA—Aug. 11, 2011—Despite an unemployment rate that can't seem to break below the 9 percent threshold lately, the rate for those with a Bachelor's degree remains lower, hovering between 4 - 4.5 percent. Therefore, LifeWork Search recently conducted a poll asking individuals whether they had voluntarily left their role in the past six months. The search firm is a perennial President Club winner within MRINetwork, the world's largest search and recruitment organization, specializing in Supply Chain Planning and Procurement.
Results of the poll indicate that a large number of people are making the jump over to a new company, regardless of the current economic situation. The poll, distributed in July 2011, was taken by 166 individuals through LinkedIn's poll feature. Of the 166 people surveyed, 70 percent (111 people) stated they had left their most recent employer during the first 6 months of the year. Of those who were no longer with the same company, 76 percent voluntarily left (84 people), while 24 percent (27 people) were laid off. If this trend were to continue for the next six months, 5 out of every 10 employees will leave on their own by end of year. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics nearly 2 million Americans quit their jobs in May 2011, up 35 percent since January 2010. The results of LWS' poll also verify the findings of a survey put out by Right Management where 84 percent of employees stated they planned to look for a new job in 2011.
Even with the unemployment rate unchanged at 9 percent, Jason Breault, Managing director of LifeWork Search has noticed an increased level of confidence in his candidates. "This year we have seen candidates finally taking control of their growth potential, leveraging frustrations in their current roles and taking advantage of the opening job market. Many employees feel they have hit a wall in their current roles, yet at the same time have been pushed harder, putting in longer hours, and taking on more responsibility without being properly compensated."
Back in November of 2009, LifeWork Search ran a poll to determine how employees were being treated during the recession, of the 259 respondents, only 22 percent stated their company treating them great during the recession, while the rest were either laid off (34 percent) or planned to leave once the economy picked up (44 percent). "Candidates are now running for the door, and not just for the pay, but for a better work life balance, the ability to be with a growing company and the ability to grow themselves."