The Wall Street Journal reports that as more women make their way into the supply chain industry, they continue to face a gender pay gap. According to the publication, men get higher pay than women, even as they continue to climb in leadership ranks.
In a recent survey by Institute for Supply Management, it found that men earned 29 percent more than women in 2017, and the gap was even wider at higher up positions. Although there are fewer women working within the field, men who had 15-19 years of experience in the industry earned 48 percent more than their female counterparts, the Wall Street Journal reports.
Even though the pay gap has narrowed slightly since 2016, women were still paid less than men in the last year across various different supply chain jobs. According to the Wall Street Journal, most senior positions, such as executive vice president, saw men earning 26 percent more than women in similar positions.
Another survey, APICS, found that the overall pay gap was smaller, with men earning 16 percent more than women. However, Abe Eshkenazi, chief executive of supply chain organization APICS says that there's also limited opportunities for women to advance their careers as well.
The gender pay gap is visible across all labor force in the U.S. According to the Census Bureau, women only made 81.8 percent of what men were paid. In ISM's survey, it found that women in the supply-chain sector earned 81 cents for every dollar that a man made in 2017.
Overall, according the the Wall Street Journal, pay in the sector is up as companies are looking for ways to offset rising production and freight expenses.