Cleo Finds Only a Fraction of Supply Chain Jobs Seek AI Knowledge

Cleo announces findings from its second Supply Chain Jobs Report, that highlights a significant discrepancy between business goals and the software and technology needed to accomplish them.

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Cleo announces findings from its second Supply Chain Jobs Report, an analysis of publicly available supply chain job openings. The findings highlight a significant discrepancy between business goals and the software and technology needed to accomplish them.

“These findings indicate a significant discrepancy in the supply chain industry’s push toward digital transformation and the foundational skills actually being prioritized in the workforce,” says Tushar Patel, CMO at Cleo. “Without requiring software skills for new roles, businesses risk falling behind on operational efficiency and sustained profitability goals. The lack of basic data integration required within job responsibilities tells us that most organizations are at-risk of maintaining status quo – forcing their teams to remain reactive instead of proactive toward supply chain disruptions.” 

Key Takeaways:

  • Only 6.5% of job openings include the term “automation,” while even less, only 1.6% of job openings, include the term “artificial intelligence or AI.”
  • Half (54.3%) of evaluated supply chain jobs include some form of software knowledge.
  • Less than a quarter (21.4%) of supply chain jobs included the requirements of enterprise resource planning (ERP) knowledge, a key technology in supply chain operations.
  • Only 4.9% of job openings included broad data management responsibilities (“data management,” “data visualization,” “data mining,” “data insights,” and “data-driven decision making”), critical to integrating information dispersed throughout the supply chain.
  • Correlation between salary and the number of supply chain software applications a candidate needs to know underscored a trend of higher pay for greater software knowledge.
