TARRYTOWN, N.Y., Sept. 12 /PRNewswire/ -- Looking for Russian aircraft parts? The best price on potassium chloride?
Online comparison shopping for businesses has finally arrived.
ViniShopper from Vinimaya is the Web's first business-to-business comparison shopping service. It can search hundreds of B2B sites and millions of products online for best prices or specific business products -- chemicals, computer chips, construction equipment, industrial equipment, office supplies, and more.
"Comparison shopping Web sites like MySimon are fairly common for consumer goods, but business products need quite a bit more computer intelligence to sort," said Dr. Somesh Nigam, CEO of Tarrytown, NY-based Vinimaya. "A VCR is a VCR, but hydrochloric acid, for instance, can come in hundreds of different assay strengths and quantities. A search engine may not help you find "2-Aminonicotinic acid," and entering "circuit" in a regular search engine will give the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, rather than electronic components. Now, businesses finally have a comparison shopping service of their own. It can save businesses considerable time and money in finding exactly what they need at the best possible price."
The service is currently being offered free of charge to all users for a limited time.
Vinimaya (which means "exchange" in Sanskrit) is a developer of tools to help businesses manage B2B transactions.
Vinimaya also provides directories, comparison shopping services and other advanced tools for business-to-business e-commerce.