Another Dimension

realityBUY brings 3D to B2B, an interactive 3D/B2B marketplace, now offers a marketing Web site designed to showcase new opportunities for e-commerce using 3D visualization. The site highlights realityBUY.coms capabilities, which are designed specifically for businesses  including automotive, furniture, industrial and aerospace  that have not yet been able to experience the benefits of e-commerce because of product complexity; the need to emulate the products functionality in meaningful context or the inability of the buyer to configure the products online.

At, sellers and buyers can learn how See, Try and Buy technology enables them to review, configure and sell or purchase even the most complex products while online. Interactive demos are available within the site so visitors can see how can present products in 3D form for a variety of uses ranging from sales, product marketing, training and virtual tradeshows to online sales. The site also enables visitors to interact with Reality Objects, which are dynamic, life-like 3D representations. These virtual representations of real objects encapsulate the products physical behavior and allow site visitors to interact with the objects to test functionality, such as adjusting the height of a chair or operating an automatic lift on the tailgate of a truck.
