New York December 12, 2000 Verano, a pre-IPO software infrastructure company, recently launched their new e-business platform, Click2Biz. The new platform is designed to help enterprises and trading exchanges integrate and collaborate, offering real-time visibility both internally and across trading partners. The launch of Click2Biz is a result of Verano's new Automation Integration Software (AIS) business, the Agilent Technologies company that Verano acquired just last week.
Click2Biz uses open, standard based technology to link multiple businesses at the process level so that data, software applications and business rules are synchronized within enterprises and across virtual enterprises. Verano's scalable, end-to-end solution offers improved communications flows and robust, ready-to-deploy functionality that enables rapid implementation and support for pre-existing technology and application investments.
True e-business management not only involves the ability to automate and integrate business processes, but also the capability to monitor, measure and report on the performance of key metrics associated with those processes, said Sonia Bhanot, Verano's CEO. Click2Biz's platform will combine business process intelligence with e-business process management that enables users to achieve competitive advantages in their trading relationships.