Walnut Creek, CA March 23, 2001 eBreviate recently announced the release of a trio of new software tools that the e-sourcing applications provider says will help procurement professionals to track, streamline, archive and manage their strategic sourcing efforts.
The new tools include Spend Management, which eBreviate says will allow companies to aggregate spending data from across the enterprise and, armed with that information, better leverage their purchasing power.
"Global corporations typically cannot identify the categories of greatest purchasing expenditure when gathering data from disparate legacy systems," said Sarah Pfaff, eBreviate executive vice president. "Spend Management addresses this challenge by consolidating information that previously existed in independent accounting systems across the enterprise, then using the data to uncover broad trends in the purchasing practices of the organization."
Once the sourcing process is complete and the deal is struck, a company can use eBreviate¹s Deal Management tool to create a centralized repository for the corporation¹s contracts. By using internal marketing to promote the contracts, the purchasing department can potentially reign in maverick spending and capture more of the savings embodied in the contracts. Deal Management can even channel business to an approved supplier by providing links to Web-enabled transaction systems, "sell-side" solutions or premier pages.
Finally, the newly announced Sourcing Team Tools are intended to help a company capture and archive a complete record of a targeted sourcing process. The idea is to make sourcing efforts a repeatable process instead of an endlessly recreated event. Methodologies, templates and results can be archived for future sourcing efforts and accessed throughout the organization, with no restrictions on the type of file that can be captured and stored.
The new expands the offering from Walnut Creek, Calif., eBreviate, which previously has focused on e-sourcing tools such as online negotiations through downward and upward auctions, requests for proposals, and sourcing surveys.
The new tools include Spend Management, which eBreviate says will allow companies to aggregate spending data from across the enterprise and, armed with that information, better leverage their purchasing power.
"Global corporations typically cannot identify the categories of greatest purchasing expenditure when gathering data from disparate legacy systems," said Sarah Pfaff, eBreviate executive vice president. "Spend Management addresses this challenge by consolidating information that previously existed in independent accounting systems across the enterprise, then using the data to uncover broad trends in the purchasing practices of the organization."
Once the sourcing process is complete and the deal is struck, a company can use eBreviate¹s Deal Management tool to create a centralized repository for the corporation¹s contracts. By using internal marketing to promote the contracts, the purchasing department can potentially reign in maverick spending and capture more of the savings embodied in the contracts. Deal Management can even channel business to an approved supplier by providing links to Web-enabled transaction systems, "sell-side" solutions or premier pages.
Finally, the newly announced Sourcing Team Tools are intended to help a company capture and archive a complete record of a targeted sourcing process. The idea is to make sourcing efforts a repeatable process instead of an endlessly recreated event. Methodologies, templates and results can be archived for future sourcing efforts and accessed throughout the organization, with no restrictions on the type of file that can be captured and stored.
The new expands the offering from Walnut Creek, Calif., eBreviate, which previously has focused on e-sourcing tools such as online negotiations through downward and upward auctions, requests for proposals, and sourcing surveys.