Lynnfield, MA April 24, 2001 Bowstreet unveiled its packaged Web services solution, Business Web Portal Solutions, for businesses wishing to achieve economies of scale in all their e-business initiatives.
Built on the Bowstreet Business Web Factory, the industry's first Web services automation system, the Web Portals can automate the creation of portals for externalizing enterprise information, eCRM, syndicated storefronts, corporate intranets, partner extranets and supply chain collaboration. These solutions enable non-technical business people to design, deploy and change portals with minimal help from information technology (IT), thus moving their goals for the Internet from the drawing board into production. These goals include making employees more productive, supply chains more integrated and collaborative, and businesses multi-channel.
Bowstreet replaces one-off applications hard-coded by programmers with services assembled at run-time based on instructions from business people. Bowstreet is able to deliver economies of scale because of parametric automation technology, which enables the re-use of e-business assets and mass-customization by non-technical business people.
"Bowstreet's Business Web Portals bring Web services into the mainstream, and will do for Web services what Lotus 1-2-3 did for the PC and SAP did for client/server," says Frank Moss, Bowstreet co-founder and chairman. "With Bowstreet's Web services-based solutions, organizations no longer have to pour the wet cement of hard-wired applications over their e-businesses."
The Web services computing model is being embraced by Global 2000 companies and the technology industry, with companies like Microsoft, Hewlett-Packard, IBM, Oracle and Sun Microsystems leading the pack. Bowstreet plans to introduce other Web services-based packaged solutions in the future.