Vangard Voice Systems and AML Deliver WMS Voice Upgrades

AccuSpeechMobile delivers new workforce productivity on AML mobile devices supporting warehouse management systems

Irvine, Calif.—June 12, 2012Vangard Voice Systems Inc. (Vangard) partnered with AML, a developer and manufacturer of automated data collection solutions, to allow any size warehouse operation using AML mobile devices to voice-upgrade their warehouse management systems (WMS) with high productivity voice controls.

“Many of our AML customers have avoided the implementation of voice productivity for their warehouse picking and other WMS applications because of the high costs, the complex server integration and related risks associated with older pioneering technologies,” said Mike Kearby, President of AML. “Vangard’s completely mobile voice solution powered solely by the power of our AML mobile computers means our distributors can reach a broader market of warehouse management operations, both commercial or custom built, with an innovative, simplified and cost efficient alternative solution for driving new warehouse productivity.”

Vangard’s AccuSpeechMobile voice solution upgrades any mobile supply chain application with complete voice control capabilities seamlessly and solely from AML mobile computers and devices.

“Our proven mobile voice solution and the power of today’s mobile computers is a game changer for delivering new workforce productivity to warehouse operations,” said Bob Bova, President and Chief Executive Officer of Vangard Voice Systems.

Vangard’s AccuSpeechMobile is designed to easily extend the value of customer investments in AML solutions, delivering complete voice functionality and integration for any of their mobile workforce distribution applications solely from their AML devices, avoiding any changes in business processes.

Vangard’s AccuSpeechMobile includes its patented device-based Universal Voice Utility. The utility non-invasively upgrades any existing mobile applications with full voice functionality and seamless, ‘server-less’ integration solely from-and-on mobile devices and computers.The mobile solution completely eliminates the IT server as the source for voice services or application integration The Universal Voice Utility includes a wizard-based software development kit that enables IT professionals to quickly customize the device resident ‘voice utility’ to seamlessly support all application functions.
