Answerthink Allies with HyperRoll on BI

Consultancy to use provider's data aggregation software to improve performance of clients' business intelligence systems

Consultancy to use provider's data aggregation software to improve performance of clients' business intelligence systems

Mountain View, CA — March 31, 2004 — HyperRoll, a provider of data aggregation software for business intelligence (BI) applications, is allying with Answerthink, a business and technology consulting firm, under a deal that will have Answerthink reselling HyperRoll's software and utilizing it to improve the performance of clients' BI implementations.

"BI systems have tremendous potential to help companies run smarter by providing real-time insight into operations," said Tom Hoblitzell, managing director of Answerthink's business intelligence group. "But aggregating and preparing large amounts of data for analysis can take hours, or even require overnight batch processing. HyperRoll dramatically reduces the time this takes, enabling clients to do virtually on-the-fly analysis."

Hoblitzell said that this capability can significantly improve the value that companies can see through using BI systems, and Answerthink said that its clients using HyperRoll software have seen immediate and substantial improvements in BI application performance.

HyperRoll combines aggregation and caching algorithms with load-balancing administrative facilities to provide faster access to large data volumes while reducing the need for additional hardware or storage.

The HyperRoll solution works within Answerthink customers' existing OLAP systems to improve load times by as much as 100 times while enabling access and analysis of data in unparalleled detail, according to Answerthink.

"As a result of our initial joint efforts with HyperRoll, several of our clients have either already implemented the software or are seriously considering it," Hoblitzell added.
