Truckstop.comCompany DetailsContact & NewsFleet ManagementBrokers Express Optimism as Spot Rates ImproveDemand appears to have rebounded for freight brokers in the second half of 2024, with 55% of respondents noting that load volume rose year over year.3PL/4PLCarriers Express Optimistic Outlook for 2025: ReportThe majority of carriers (91%) feel optimistic about achieving their primary professional goals in 2025, with 54% describing themselves as “extremely optimistic.”Fleet ManagementTruckstop Launches Carrier Vetting SolutionTruckstop introduced Risk Factors Advanced, a carrier vetting solution that serves as the first line of defense for a growing enterprise business that requires more automation and sophistication.Fleet ManagementTruckstop, Bloomberg Intelligence Survey Reveals Improved Carrier OutlookCarriers who have faced challenges with weak demand and low rates are now seeing signs of improvement ahead, though some are still considering a shift in their careers, according to the latest Bloomberg | Truckstop survey.HomeUnderstanding How Bad Actors Operate to Fight Freight FraudFreight fraud continuously evolves to exploit vulnerabilities. Bad actors are getting smarter, faster, and sneakier at targeting and infiltrating systems. It’s critical to understand their tactics and recognize common data patterns.3PL/4PLFreight Brokers Hopeful That Demand Picks Up: SurveyMost brokers appear optimistic that volume growth is just around the bend, despite demand challenges.Multimedia & LearningHomeTop 3PL & Cold Storage Providers Award: Truckstop Named Overall Top 3PL WinnerTruckstop was named the overall Top 3PL winner for Food Logistics’ 2024 Top 3PL & Cold Storage Providers award.Request More InformationFill out the form below to request more information about