Impact Calculator for Increased Safety in the Workplace

The Boplan Impact Calculator, an online calculation tool designed to accurately assess the impact resistance required for workplace safety.

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Boplan introduced the Boplan Impact Calculator, an online calculation tool designed to empower safety coordinators, facility managers, and Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE) professionals to accurately assess the impact resistance required for their workplace safety and collision protection equipment.

“At Boplan, safety is our top priority, and the Boplan Impact Calculator is the latest example of our commitment to providing innovative solutions to protect lives and assets. With this user-friendly tool, our customers can confidently take steps toward a safer and more secure workplace,” says Xavier Ramon, CEO of Boplan.


Key takeaways:

  • The Boplan Impact Calculator simplifies the process of determining the optimal level of impact resistance for safety and collision protection equipment in any given environment.
  • This tool allows professionals to make data-driven decisions with just a few clicks. By entering specific parameters related to their workspace, users can quickly generate recommendations on the ideal type and strength of safety barriers and equipment required to minimize accidents and safeguard valuable assets.
  • Key features include customizable workspace parameters; comprehensive product recommendations; and mobile accessibility.