Supply Chain Seminar

May 17, 2016
May 17, 2016
Exhibition Avenue Bridge of Don
Aberdeen AB23 8BL

The significant fall in production and sharply rising costs in recent years have left the UK oil and gas sector particularly exposed to the drop in oil price. However, even before prices slumped, the industry was developing a methodical response to its challenges while ensuring production is safely maintained. Since 2015, the industry's Efficiency Task Force has stepped up the momentum of these activities and channelled the sector’s collective efforts into three key areas: business process, standardisation and co-operation, culture and behaviours.

Changing the way we work together, through promoting “Cultural Change and Greater Collaboration”, is the theme of the forthcoming seminar organised by Oil and Gas UK, in association with the Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply (CIPS). Featuring contributions from leading speakers from both the oil and gas industry and other industrial sectors, where a fresh approach has delivered transformation change, the seminar will provide delegates with insights into how the supply chain can play a part in delivering the behavioural changes required to help drive efficiency improvements and restore competitiveness to the UK Continental Shelf.