Westfalia’s Manufacturing Day Hiring Event

October 2, 2015
October 2, 2015
3655 Sandhurst Dr.
York, PA 17406

Westfalia Technologies, Inc., a leading provider of logistics solutions for manufacturers, warehouses and distribution centers since 1992, announces that it will host a hiring event on Oct. 2 at its York, Pennsylvania, headquarters. In the spirit of Manufacturing Day, the event will not only promote hiring at Westfalia, but also help drive efforts to bridge the skills gap in the manufacturing industry.

Open Positions:

  • Software Developer                                                   
  • Controls Systems Engineer                                       
  • Controls Systems Technician                                    
  • Field Service Technician II
  • After-sales Technical Support

For more information about Westfalia’s hiring event or to schedule an interview, visit http://www.westfaliausa.com/mfgday.