Lean Warehousing

Kl Scm2687 Banner94x68
Kuala Lumpur

This course has been tailored to suite all your warehousing needs within your competitive environment. The excellent combination of exercises and discussions will not only help you identify your areas of weakness, but will also guide you through the processes you need to adopt to bulletproof your warehousing strategies.

Do not miss this opportunity on a 2-day course which provides the latest real-world practices, tools and techniques. Participants will have the unique benefit of learning first-hand on many of the techniques used today in Warehouse Management and will gain hands-on experience in using them during the course.

Key topics to be discussed:

· Starting up a world class warehouse (A Fortune 500 Company)

· Implementing the idea of lean warehousing and problem solving to improve cycle time and productivity problems

· Evaluating warehouse design’s and establishing effective material handling equipment

· Achieving efficient materials flow to maintain peak time of your pick line

· Establishing best practices for labour and cost calculations to reduce warehouse waste

· Fortifying your warehouse management and control to eradicate losses and reduce human error

This course is designed for individuals who are actively involved in the management and running of warehouses and distribution centers. Individuals who are also involved in inventory management, demand planning, materials management, purchasing and procurement will benefit from attending this course!

For more information or registration, please contact Ms Cherrie at [email protected].