Results from a survey produced by Cleo, developed in partnership with Dimensional Research, of 200 logistics industry experts reveal that 97% of logistics businesses are actively trying to mitigate supply chain disruptions negatively impacting their business. And, the topsy-turvy socio-economic climate of 2020 has only underscored this urgency, as e-commerce irreversibly accelerates. The cultural shift of employees working from home topped the list of conundrums survey-takers identified, with 51% of respondents citing this as the No. 1 supply chain disruption impacting their business in 2020, followed by manufacturing slowdowns (45%) and restrictions in international trade (33%).
Many logistics companies felt the pain in their pocketbooks. More than one-third (34%) of logistics companies say they are losing over $250,000 annually due to poor integration. Nine percent say they are losing $1,000,000 or more because of integration technology problems. Over half (51%) have increased their technology budgets to address supply chain shortcomings surfaced by COVID-19. What problems are the biggest? According to the study, 34% say they rely too much on manual integration processes, and also suffer from slow decision making.