Amazon Unveils New Hub Service

Amazon is rolling out a new service to help perfect the last-mile delivery.

Amazon Hub

Amazon is rolling out a new service to help perfect the last-mile delivery.

Hubs by Amazon will serve as a last-step delivery option for FedEx, UPS and private mail, CNBC reports. The hubs will serve as similar use as Amazon Lockers only targeted for apartment buildings. Delivery personnel will enter a code to open a door on the hub and leave the package inside. The recipient will then get a notice that the packaged has been delivered and can retrieve it at any time, according to CNBC

It's another clue of Amazon moving toward logistics play and the first time the company has ventured beyond its own transactions and shipments. 

As previously reported by Supply & Demand Chain Executive, Amazon has introduced several new package delivery options including leaving a package directly inside a shopper's home or car trunk. However, those options required that the purchase through Amazon. 

CNBC reports that major property managers like AvalonBay, J.P. Morgan Asset Management and Equity Residential have signed up to place Hubs on their properties. 
