Acsis Looking beyond RFID

Provider offers framework for integrating radio frequency identification, next-generation data collection technologies

Provider offers framework for integrating radio frequency identification, next-generation data collection technologies

Chicago — March 30, 2004 — Solution provider Acsis has rolled out a new offering designed to provide an adaptive architecture for device-, technology- and application-independent data collection, management and integration.

The new software solution, DataPass Enterprise, aggregates data from any source or technology and integrates it to provide access to business-critical information across the organization, according to Acsis.

The software, intended to provide organizations with an integration platform to leverage new technologies for wireless data collection, including radio frequency identification (RFID), provides plug-and-play capabilities to integrate new data collection technology and devices, Acsis said.

DataPass Enterprise is a new offering in Acsis' suite of supply chain execution and data integration products.

"Many data collection and enterprise application providers lost sight of the bigger picture in the rush to deliver point solutions to quickly accommodate industry initiatives like Wal-Mart's deadline for RFID compliance," said Steven Selfridge, president and CEO at Acsis.

Selfridge asserted that many providers are taking a "quick fix" approach to their solution, which he contrasted with Acsis' approach to data and device management and enterprise system integration. "Users of DataPass Enterprise will have the tools to meet today's RFID mandates and the foundation to incorporate and prepare for future innovations in data-capture technologies," Selfridge said.

Acsis believes that many large manufacturing companies operating multiple plants and contract manufacturers are unable to adequately reconcile disparate data collection and automation systems. These "silos of automation" created when standalone systems are not integrated effectively obscure a real-time view of the extended supply chain.

DataPass Enterprise was developed to address this problem, Acsis said, providing a framework to collect, aggregate, synchronize and integrate data across the enterprise regardless of where the data originates.

"Today's data collection technology of choice is RFID, tomorrow it could be wireless embedded sensors," said John DiPalo, director of technical sales at Acsis. "DataPass Enterprise provides organizations with the flexibility to harness the efficiencies of new data collection technologies as they evolve without the disruption of altering existing business processes or applications."
