By now, we’ve all experienced the fallout of supply chain bottlenecks that have been building up over the course of the pandemic. Instead of the Amazon-like service levels consumers have grown accustomed to, items that used to take days, are now taking months to arrive—exposing shipping/delivery delays and worker shortages along every point in the journey.
These challenges have impacted every sector of the economy, making everyday items harder to come by—from computer chips to cars to medical supplies to toys—and causing businesses to scramble to find solutions on both the materials and logistics side. Some companies have gone as far as buying airplanes to pick up their own materials or making new investments to ensure the customer experience is not impacted. These challenges are not going away any time soon, with experts expecting the situation to persist well into 2022.
How can businesses overcome these challenges? Many have taken to ordering supplies earlier, but this only adds pressure to the supply chain, rather than alleviating it. The answer is less about stockpiling up, and more about understanding where your specific pain points lie so you can problem-solve and plan rather than rush and react.
In this Industry Brief, we explain how an incremental approach to digitizing your supply chain can help you effectively overcome key pain points and supply chain disruptions throughout your enterprise and start driving business outcomes