Nominations are open for Food Logistics’ and Supply & Demand Chain Executive’s 2024 Top Software & Technology Solutions award, which spotlights new-to-market and enhancements to existing software and technology solutions designed to provide automation, efficiency and visibility to the supply chain space.
This award is open to all solutions that fall within all categories/markets within the Food Logistics and Supply & Demand Chain Executive audience.
This award is broken down into two main categories: Small Business <$50 million and Enterprise >$50 million; and then five sub-categories within each main category: Procurement/ERP Software, WMS/TMS Software, Warehouse Automation; Robotics; and Supply Chain Visibility Solutions.
The five overall winners (one per sub-category) will receive the highest-level promotional package, which includes:
--> Executive Profile in Online Article (Logo & Company Bio)
--> Company Logo Placement in Overall Winner Interview – Scrolls Along Bottom of Video Player
--> Logo License (unlimited rights and full access to include, share and embed the award logo anywhere, everywhere at all times).
--> A Commemorative Plaque
Additional promotional packages will be available for the remainder of the winners.
More than three-fourths (83%) of industrial leaders are investing more in artificial intelligence (AI) in 2024, up from 63% in 2023, according to an Augury study. AI aside, other emerging technologies and solutions continue to modernize many of today's supply chains. This award is designed to showcase those new-to-market solutions and celebrate their ability to add resilience to the equation.
Submissions close Monday, Sept. 23.
CLICK HERE to access the submission form. All applications must be submitted electronically.
CLICK HERE to read up on some FAQs.
CLICK HERE to preview the questionnaire.
Any questions, email Editor-in-Chief Marina Mayer at [email protected].
CLICK HERE to read up on past winners.