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Watershed launched Watershed Supply Chain, what is said to be the first solution dedicated to helping businesses reduce carbon emissions at scale across their supply chain.
“With Watershed Supply Chain, we’re turning the once-daunting challenge of measuring and acting upon Scope 3 emissions into an eminently scalable task. Watershed Supply Chain makes it easier than ever for companies to partner with their vendors to tackle Scope 3 emissions and drive decarbonization,” says Watershed co-founder Taylor Francis.
From Watershed:
- Watershed Supply Chain measures, understands and reduces emissions across businesses’ supply chains.
- In just days, the product produces a Scope 3 emissions footprint using privately and publicly disclosed financial and climate data, plus granular insights into individual supplier emissions. Watershed Supply Chain then overlays the customer supply chain footprint against suppliers’ existing climate programs and commitments, helping customers prioritize engagement with the suppliers that are best positioned to drive maximum climate impact. To facilitate that impact, Watershed Supply Chain generates tailored recommendations for suppliers – like sourcing renewable energy – with input from customer sustainability or procurement teams. The outcome is high-impact reductions up and down the supply chain, ready-made for public, credible reporting.