DHL Supply Chain is planning to deploy emerging technologies in 350 of its 430 facilities and transportation control towers in North America, totaling out to be a $300 million investment. Technologies will vary by customer needs, based on the otucomes of research and pilot programs completed by DHL's internal innovation teams and collaboration with dozens of external innovators, according to Modern Materials Handling.
The availability and utilization of the technologies will help diverse customer base and address concerns regarding e-commerce and omnichannel challenges. Implementing new technologies is objective to the company's global digitalization strategy.
"This investment is about a holistic view of emerging technologies that enable our customers to achieve their growth and profitability goals. Our customers' needs are not homogenous as each business and segment has unique challenges and levels of maturity. Therefore, it is important that our customers can benefit from our experiences and expertise with a variety of emerging technologies," says DHL Supply Chain North America CEO Scott Sureddin in a statement.
A recent DHL report found that growth of e-commerce and its implications on service was identified by 65 percent of responding companies as having a significant impact on their supply chain. According to Modern Materials Handling, executives are turning to technology to support faster delivery times and manage fluctuating demands.
"These technologies enhance the value of our people; they don't replace them. Our team will be equipped with the most advanced technologies, trained on emerging ones and retained through a culture of innovation, collaboration and recognition. We blieve this approach is a winning strategy not just for our business but for our customers' businesses as well," Tim Sprosty, senior vice president of human resources at DHL Supply Chain says.