Certa Reveals Generative AI-Powered Third-Party Management Capabilities

Certa released generative artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities, marking a new era of efficient and intelligent third-party risk and compliance management.

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Certa released generative artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities, marking a new era of efficient and intelligent third-party risk and compliance management. With Generative AI woven throughout the Certa platform, a redesigned user interface, and plug-and-play environmental, social, governance (ESG) modules, Certa empowers organizations to proactively navigate regulatory complexities while offering robust, compliant, and sustainable third-party relationships.


“Unstructured data is the Achilles’s heel of third-party management,” says Jag Lamba, CEO and founder of Certa. “This is the perfect use case for the power of GenAI. By transforming unstructured information from contracts, SOC reports, and ESG disclosures into structured, actionable insights, we’re empowering businesses to get a clearer picture of their entire third-party ecosystem and make more informed decisions.”


Key takeaways:

  • Generative AI-powered functions include workflow design using natural language, questionnaire responder for faster third-party responses, and automated risk assessment from contracts, SOC2 documents, ESG reports, etc. 
  • Additional features include redesigned user experience for easier navigation and enhanced functionality and plug-and-play ESG modules for effortless compliance.
  • Certa's generative AI capabilities streamline workflows and processes across the entire third-party management lifecycle.
  • The plug-and-play ESG modules seamlessly integrate into existing workflows, enabling businesses to effortlessly comply with global standards like the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSDR), EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) and Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM). The platform enables organizations to prepare for upcoming ESG regulations from the SEC and California. The modules also offer advanced Scope 3 emissions tracking and reporting, empowering organizations to meet sustainability goals.