Global Workforce at High Risk of AI Automation Takeover: Study

Administrative/support services, manufacturing and transportation/storage are Top 3 job types most likely to be exposed to highest risks of AI automation.

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Nearly 74% of the U.S. workforce is at high risk of artificial intelligence (AI) taking over their jobs in the future, which equals to more than 110 million workers, according to new research from Bizreport and Willrobotstakemyjob.

“For many members of the global workforce, the rise of artificial intelligence spells doom. The majority of the employed population feels it is only a matter of time before human-like computer intelligence takes over the workforce. But is there any truth to these fears? Will AI take over jobs, and if so, which labor groups and countries will be most affected by AI automation?” the report states.


From Bizreport:

  • 64% of worldwide workforce is at high risk of AI automation.
  • Africa, Asia/Pacific and Europe are the Top 3 countries to be hardest hit by AI automation.
  • Low-educated workers are 280% more likely to be replaced by AI than high-educated workers.
  • High-paying jobs are 34% less likely to be replaced by AI than low-paying jobs.
  • Administrative/support services, manufacturing and transportation/storage are Top 3 job types most likely to be exposed to highest risks of AI automation.
  • Two-thirds of the workforce in Colorado, Vermont, New Jersey, Connecticut, and Alaska are at significant risks of being replaced by human-like computer intelligence in the future. These states all have over a 67% chance of an AI workspace takeover.