NewVersion for BroadVision

B2B software provider adds broader Java-based functionality to B2B apps

Redwood City, CA  June 18, 2001 BroadVision today announced the release of new versions of the company's online commerce applications, incorporating greater Java-based functionality and support for demand-chain processes.

BroadVision's Business Commerce and MarketMaker applications both hit their version 6.0 marks. The company says that the new applications, based on its One-to-One Enterprise 6.0, a J2EE-enabled e-business application platform, provide support for personalized B2B commerce sites, private and public exchanges and "virtual demand networks," which allow for integration across an organization's value chain.

Both Business Commerce and MarketMaker are built using JavaServer Pages (JSP) and provide a variety of pre-built JSP templates and workflows that allow enterprises to configure and extend the applications, which BroadVision says can accelerate time to market and reduce system integration expenses.

The applications also offer role-, rule- and context-based personalization, dynamic page views and the ability to intelligently "push" information to users, which BroadVision asserts will allow businesses to create one-to-one relationships with a range of business partners and customers and to maximize the value of those relationships.

The company says that by using the integrated application suite, enterprises can replicate traditional off-line business models in an online environment. BroadVision's account management system now supports accounts ranging from the enterprise itself and its divisions to buyers, suppliers, distributors, wholesalers and retailers. The system can also develop the roles typically found in these accounts such as buyer representative, inside sales representative, customer service representative, content manager and marketing manager.

The new versions also provide enhanced system-to-system connectivity features that allow information exchange across a wide variety of trading networks, including through a "roundtrip" or "punchout" feature. The applications allow Extensible Markup Language (XML)-based communication with other systems through industry standards such as OAG, RosettaNet, EDI, OBI and other varieties of XML.

Paul Fulchino, chairman, president and CEO of Aviall, the world's largest independent provider of new aviation parts, said that BroadVision's applications had helped the company integrate its procurement, ordering, fulfillment, ERP and call center systems to provide information in real time through its site to Aviall's business partners and customers. "By moving more of our business to an online, self-service model, we're realizing substantial cost savings," Fulchino said. "Orders placed through our site cost us just 40 cents to process, versus $6 dollars for orders taken by our call center. Just as important, however, is the fact that we are seeing significant increases in customer satisfaction."
