Orlando, FL February 14, 2003 The U.S. government has awarded a $3.3 million contract to systems integrator Intergraph Solutions Group to work with Northrop Grumman and Oracle to upgrade the U.S. Air Force Supply Chain Common Operating Picture (SCCOP).
SCCOP is a collaborative logistics Web space that integrates all Air Force supply chain processes, including fleet status, program management, technical data management, storage, and distribution and e-business connectivity to commercial suppliers.
The Intergraph-Northrop Grumman team will support continued integration of SCCOP with the Air Force Portal and Global Combat Support System-Air Force (GCSS-AF) Integration Framework, scale the application to support up to 200,000 users at 350 locations worldwide and integrate additional applications and devices identified by the Air Force.
The software environment will provide Air Force users with a common operational view of the supply chain and deliver details on factors that affect aircraft availability. Intergraph is partnering with Northrop Grumman Information Technology and software company Oracle to deliver engineering, consulting and technical services on the engineering and integration support (EIS) contract.
For more information on how the U.S. federal government and military are using technology to streamline their supply chain processes, see "e-Pluribus Unum: Uncle Sam Wants 'e,' Or Does He?" in the June/July issue of iSource Business.