Enhancing the Janitorial Experience

BigMop.com Announces Features That Help the Cleaning Community Mop Up Online

FREMONT, CA, Sept. 7 /PRNewswire/ -- BigMop.com announced their next bucket of features today, including an online Storefront Builder, an advanced supply ordering system featuring over 25,000 items, and an affiliate program that can generate up to 2% cash back for purchases originating from an affiliate's storefront.

BigMop.com streamlines business processes by offering facilities professionals and cleaning services the power to buy and sell from the comfort of one comprehensive site. These services -- along with forums and industry-related content -- make BigMop.com the one-stop, feature-rich resource for the janitorial industry.

The Storefront Builder and the affiliate program is the first offering of this type made to the janitorial community. Not only can a BigMop.com member build a free web presence, but they have the option to generate significant revenue for themselves through their own storefront. Best of all, members now have access to one of the largest supply lines available on the Internet.

BigMop.com also provides facilities professionals a more efficient path to hiring a cleaning service. By placing a Request for Bids (RFB) on the site, the Building Manager will be provided with bids from top tier service providers in their area. This process currently lasts 4 to 6 weeks and by using BigMop.com, that process is streamlined to less than 10 days.

"BigMop.com isn't just a portal for the janitorial industry -- it's also an interactive community that enhances the entire online janitorial experience," said BigMop.com's Vice President of Engineering, Kimberly Paternoster. "We want people to gather valuable insight from their time spent at our site."
