Stirling Ultracold, innovative developer and manufacturer of ultra-low temperature (ULT) freezers for life science and biopharma research, announced it is the only company that offers commercially available freezers capable of storing any COVID-19 vaccine candidate requiring ultra-low temperature (ULT) storage during the last mile delivery.
Stirling Ultracold freezers are the only commercially available freezers to run the ULT gamut from -20°C to -86°C in a single system, and will be an integral asset in safely storing and administering COVID-19 vaccines once available.
“Unfortunately, most clinics and healthcare providers do not have Ultra Low Temperature Freezers on hand, which threatens the last mile delivery of these vaccines for the patients who need them the most,” said Dusty Tenney, CEO, Stirling Ultracold. “We understand that we’re in a unique position to be an integral part of a global public health effort, and we’re working around the clock to ensure vaccines will arrive to everyone safely and with as little product loss as possible.”
To support global preparedness, Stirling Ultracold is working directly with several pharmaceutical companies currently in COVID-19 vaccine development to build a fleet of ULT freezers capable of storing the approved vaccine once available, regardless of variable temperature stability requirements. They are also working with the Department of Health for North Dakota, one of the four U.S. states tapped to model local COVID-19 vaccine preparedness, to ensure its communities are equipped with the most reliable ULT freezers available on the market.
“Global vaccine distribution preparedness will be key as we start to see vaccines safely making it through stage 3 trials,” said George Gerhardt, emergency preparedness program representative, State of North Dakota department of health. “We understand how big of a responsibility it is to be tapped as only one of the four U.S. states tasked with developing the most effective plan for rolling out vaccine distributions and have already begun mapping out what that will look like. Our main objective is to safely deliver the approved vaccine to our communities with as little loss as possible, and for that reason Ultra-Low Temperature storage will be an integral part of our strategy.”