Target Corp.’s stores will play a bigger role than ever in fulfilling orders this holiday season.
The number of stores from which the retailer ships orders more than doubled in the past year to more than 1,000, or at least 55 percent, of its 1,802 stores compared with 460 during the 2015 holiday shopping season, chief operating officer John Mulligan told analysts on the retail chain’s third quarter fiscal 2016 earnings call.
“This [ship-from-store] capability reduces shipping times given the proximity of these stores to the vast majority of the U.S. population,” he told analysts, according to a transcript from Seeking Alpha. “With that proximity to guests, we also save on shipping, helping to relieve the pressure from shipping growth in our profit and loss (P&L) statement. It also allows us to balance our inventory across our store and network, maintaining in stock [goods], while reducing markdowns in store locations with heavy inventory.”
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